Jan 12, 20212 min

Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins

Updated: Feb 14, 2021

Ah - my first recipe post of the new year. And it's already January 12th. Sorry in advance - still trying to get back into the swing of things from the holidays! 🥴

I FINALLY don't have any Christmas treats left in my house, so I am feeling motivated to bake again and get back to it. Having so many different sweets in the house made me not want to make anything additional because we were overflowing with treats. Literally and figuratively busting at the seams.

So for my first recipe of the year I figured I would make something with lemon, because lemon is my all time favorite. These Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins are so fresh, light and sweet. I am pretending it's May while I am eating these and it's 80 degrees outside, instead of the 40 - 60 degree weather we continue to have in Florida. THIS IS COLD FOR US. GIVE US BACK OUR HEAT. Just not the 98 degree bullshit with 100% humidity. KTHX.

2021 has definitely kicked us off with a crazy start, and I know some of us wish we were already in 2022 with the way things have been going. Did you set a resolution or multiple resolutions for the year? How are you doing with it 12 days into the new year?

My resolution for 2021 is SELF-CARE. I am a natural born work horse. I tend to bull-doze whatever is in front of me as quickly and efficiently as possible, until I can't do it anymore (burnout). Whether it's with my job, my workouts, my apparel, or literally any project that is in front of me, I won't stop until I get it done to whatever standards I have set.

Which is why I am going to focus on balancing that mindset with things that might be a little less aggressive or take less energy. Going for walks to get my mind clear. Focusing on my breathing when I start to feel anxious. Small queues to remind myself that life doesn't have to be so go, go go all the time and that it is okay to take a break. Mental clarity is so so important. And I want to make sure my head is in the right space as I move forward with each of my work streams.

On that note, go and make these in your very limited spare time that we all have nowadays. I know last week was a whirlwind for a lot of us, trying to get back into the swing of things from the holidays. I know it was for me! So here's to the start of this week being better than the last, and finding some rhythm and peace as we coast into 2021. XOXO